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Desert Herbs Soap

Desert Herbs Soap


I got to learn about the desert herbs directly from the Bedouin in the Negev during the writing of my master's thesis studying the traditional Bedouin medicine. In this soap, I combine an extract from seasonal desert plants that I gather in the desert and desert plants that I grow in my private garden, which includes plants such as: desert Wormwood, Judean Wormwood, desert Origanum, desert Sage, desert Yarrow and more. These plants according to the Bedouin tradition are effective in treating various skin problems among other health problems. The soap is based on cold-pressed Israeli olive oil, cold-pressed organic coconut oil and fair-trade cocoa butter all which provide the skin with moisture, softness and vitality. The combination of the essential oils of rosemary, lemon and patchouli adds to the wonderful natural aroma of the desert plants, and together they give the soap an original and special fragrance with love from the desert.

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  • General Information

    All soaps are lovingly brewed one by one manually by the cold method for maximum preservation of the quality of the oils and other ingredients in the soap

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